Scenario: Car on Side – Roof Side Flap Required. Category: Rescue | ||
This training scenario has been automatically assigned 2 random dynamic events to enhance the realism and unpredictability of the exercise. These events are designed to simulate real-life challenges. If you’d like to generate 2 new events, Refresh this page. | ||
Introduction | ||
A car is resting on its side after a collision, with the roof facing the emergency responders. The occupant is trapped and needs to be extricated through a roof side flap. The crew must stabilise the vehicle, assess the patient, and use precise cutting techniques to create an effective egress point. This scenario highlights vehicle stabilisation and the execution of a roof side flap. | ||
Objective(s) | ||
To practice performing a roof side flap on a vehicle that is on its side, ensuring safe extrication of the trapped occupant while maintaining vehicle stability. | ||
Learning Objectives | ||
Stabilise the vehicle on its side using struts, cribbing, and tie-downs to prevent movement. | ||
Dynamic Events | ||
Firecom Overloaded While providing a Sitrep, the crew leader realises that Firecom is not responding due to high radio traffic caused by multiple ongoing incidents in the area. The team must manage the situation independently, continuing firefighting operations and making tactical decisions while awaiting a response from Firecom. They should prepare to repeat their Sitrep when the channel clears and continue monitoring for any updates from command. Crew Member Cut by Glass While managing vehicle glass during extrication, a crew member suffers a deep cut on their hand from shattered glass. The team must halt the rescue briefly to provide immediate first aid to the injured crew member, ensure they are safely removed from the scene, and ensure all remaining members are properly equipped with PPE before resuming the extrication. | ||
Debrief | ||
Conduct a review at the end of the scenario. Discuss “What went well” and “What could be improved”. Be constructive and supportive – it’s not about blame, it’s about building people up and improving their skills. |

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